Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thing #23 - Reflections
I feel that the program was very well-structured. The discovery resources for each Thing were beneficial, and the discovery exercises were clearly stated. My main drawback to the program was that, as a reference substitute, I did not have any "work" time to complete the activities. I have put in many hours here at home - just me and the Things, sometimes getting along with each other and sometimes not so much!
My blog is entitled, very uncreatively, Lifelong Learning and my participation in this program has certainly been an exercise in acquiring much new knowledge along with many new skills. This activity is now complete, but the learning and exploration will continue as all of the Things to which we have been exposed are constantly changing, developing, and expanding. Knowledge and learning are not static but rather an ongoing - lifelong - process.
Thing #22 - Audiobooks
Thing #21 - Podcasts
I had a bit of difficulty getting some of the podcasts that I was interested in hearing to play. I think it might have something to do with the pop-up guard on my computer. I disabled the guard for that particular site but still didn't have success in some cases. The pop-up would display, but nothing would happen when I clicked the "play" arrow. At the other extreme, I couldn't get one of the podcasts to stop playing, and it was a 30 minute cast that I didn't really want to listen to after hearing the first few minutes. I finally had to turn the sound off on the computer!
I think that podcasts are great resources for many people. I, personally, will probably not use them much as I have hearing difficulties and much prefer to receive information visually.
Thing #20 - YouTube
Well, it seems that all went well with that endeavor. Yippee!
I explored YouTube's categories and its search engine in an attempt to find the video of the security guards sleeping at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Plant. This is of interest to me because the plant is located 2 miles from my town. I thought this video would certainly be available on YouTube since it's received a lot of attention in the news recently. However, none of my search terms (Peach Bottom, atomic plant, guards, sleeping, etc.) turned up any matches. I find that surprising.
Thing 19 - Discover Any Site from Web 2.0 Awards List
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thing #18 - Online Productivity Tools
Zoho vs. Word
Well, hi there. Bill Gates doesn't allow me to start off with a kiss! I am creating a test document in the Zoho Writer program (
oops, web-based application). So far it seems fairly similar to Word. I can't find a tutorial on the site except for the FAQ section, so I hope I don't have too many questions. Let me see if I can get this over to my blog.
Bye now.
Now I'm back in Blogger. It was quite easy to get my Zoho document over to my blog. Zoho Writer is a neat site. I was interested in looking over the templates on the site as I need to create a poster about an upcoming concert, but I didn't find anything that would help in that endeavor.
I'm off to explore Google Doc. Bye - sorry no wink this time!
Thing #17 - Maryland Libraries Sandbox Wiki
Thing #16 - Wikis
I can see many ways in which libraries could use wikis. Librarians and patrons alike could work together to develop subject guides to websites, add annotations to the library catalog, and turn the library website into a community wiki. Librarians themselves could use wikis to collaborate on group projects, share conference information , and exchange ideas about library policies and practices. The possibilities are endless.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thing #15 - Web 2.0, Library 2.0
In reflecting on what Library 2.0 means to me, I had to reminisce on my own ideas about libraries and their functions in various stages of my life. When I was a youngster, libraries were places to get books for pleasure reading, and I could hardly wait for the Bookmobile every 2 or 3 weeks. In high school and college, libraries became places of drudgery where one had to go to search for books to aid in writing term papers. After marriage and having a family, libraries once again became pleasant places where we could check out books, go to story times, etc. However, in my mind and experience, libraries were always about BOOKS. I remember being very surprised when the new Whiteford branch opened and had materials including video tapes, cassette tapes, etc., in addition to books. That, of course, was nothing compared to the shift in perspective that came about with computers, Internet access, online catalogs and data bases. The world has changed; libraries have changed; and my ideas about libraries' functions have changed as well.
I do agree with one article I read in which the author pointed out that libraries have never been the sole source of information for individuals. However, libraries are leaders in disseminating information in whatever way, shape or form that constant changes and advances may take them. HCPL has certainly embraced many of these changes, always in a well-thought-out and researched manner. I am sure that our services will continue to be constantly updated and evaluated as we strive to meet the needs of our users.
Thing #14 - Technorati
I don't know how often I will return to Technorati, mainly because once you start reading blogs a lot of time goes by very quickly! I do think it is a very worthwhile undertaking and am glad to know of its existence.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thing #13 - Tagging,
I had fun adding some bookmarks (including HCPL passport) and tags to my favorites. I imagine that I will return to the site if I want to see what other users have bookmarked for a certain tag. It seems to me that this would be a wonderful site to use if I were still doing research, writing papers, etc. It would be a much easier way to organize materials and sub-topics than the old (really old) index card system.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Thing #12 - Rollyo
Here is the link to my Online Shopping search roll.
Thing #11 - Library Thing
Here, I hope, is the link to my Library Thing catalog.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thing #10 - Online Image Generators

Thing #9 - MERLIN
Thing #8 - RSS
Thing #7 - Creating a Blog Post
I have always enjoyed keeping up with technological advances, but, as I said, at times trying to do things in new ways can be quite frustrating. I would be determined that I was going to do something (such as, oh say, make up a schedule for parent/teacher conferences using a word precessing program) and would end up spending much more time than if I had simply done the schedule with pencil and paper. Also, the language involved when dealing with computer-related matters such as installation, trouble-shooting, etc. is not easy to understand. Those Fatal Error messages are still scary!
I do realize that technology involves much more than computers. I am enjoying using my digital camera, and it is fun to explore the many avenues , such as Flickr, Kodak Easy Share, etc., for organizing and sharing these photos. Likewise, it's hard to remember a time before the instant communication provided by cell phones and answering machines.
I thought that I was semi-proficient in technology, but, as I look over the 23 Things, I see many terms that are totally unfamiliar to me. Hopefully, the fun will outweigh the frustrations as I explore them!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Thing #6 extended
Here is the trading card mentioned previously. It seems I can't get both images in the same post.
Anyway, some of the other applications that I explored included Fastr (a game where you are shown a series of pictures and attempt to guess the tag), TagMan (played like the familiar game of Hangman), and Flickr Flash Puzzle Zone (make an online jigsaw puzzle from a photo). I made a puzzle of Rusty and Duke's picture on the trading card and thought I could include the html link to it, but that's not working.
These games were fun but I mainly see them as a way to waste time. I doubt that I will use them very often.
Thing #6 - Flickr Mash-ups
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Thing #5 - Flickr

Cal Ripken Jr 2000 Bowman Early Indicators
Originally uploaded by
Thing #4 - Register Blog and Track Progress
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Weeks 1 and 2
I think I have my blog registered, but it has not showed up on the Blog Wall as of this posting. I know that that can take a few days so will keep checking for it. It has been quite interesting to look through some of the other HCPL blogs.