Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thing #20 - YouTube

I have visited You Tube and I don't imagine that I will return to this site very often. I don't see the attraction, but evidently many people do enjoy watching these videos. Some of them have been viewed as many as 300,000 times. The first video I clicked on was on the featured page. It was entitled "Erbert and Gerbert's Human Flipbook". While I was viewing it I couldn't imagine that anyone would spend that much time and effort on this project, no matter how clever it was. Then I realized that it was made as an advertisement for a Sub Shop. It really is kind of cute. I am going to try to embed this video in my blog just because I want to see if I can do that successfully.

Well, it seems that all went well with that endeavor. Yippee!
I explored YouTube's categories and its search engine in an attempt to find the video of the security guards sleeping at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Plant. This is of interest to me because the plant is located 2 miles from my town. I thought this video would certainly be available on YouTube since it's received a lot of attention in the news recently. However, none of my search terms (Peach Bottom, atomic plant, guards, sleeping, etc.) turned up any matches. I find that surprising.

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