Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thing #6 extended

Rusty and Duke
Originally uploaded by Bobbie Johnson

Here is the trading card mentioned previously. It seems I can't get both images in the same post.

Anyway, some of the other applications that I explored included Fastr (a game where you are shown a series of pictures and attempt to guess the tag), TagMan (played like the familiar game of Hangman), and Flickr Flash Puzzle Zone (make an online jigsaw puzzle from a photo). I made a puzzle of Rusty and Duke's picture on the trading card and thought I could include the html link to it, but that's not working.

These games were fun but I mainly see them as a way to waste time. I doubt that I will use them very often.

Thing #6 - Flickr Mash-ups

Magazine cover
Originally uploaded by Bobbie Johnson
I have had a good time exploring the Flickr mashups and third-party tools. The number and variety of applications is mind-boggling and a lot of the 3rd party tools use terms that I don't even understand in their descriptions. I have created a magazine cover and a trading card from photos I added to my Flickr account and will attempt to include them here.